You Are Home Collection
New limited edition mini collection of stickers - The You Are Home Collection!
During this time of Safer at Home, there is no place I would rather be than as a part of this Wake Forest Community!
Quantities are limited! Buy now for $5/each or purchase as a bundle - 4/$18.
Sold exclusively at Southern Suds & Gifts!
Whether you are enjoying they weather while shopping small or hanging out during Friday Night on White, South White Street is at the heart of Downtown Wake Forest.
Shorty's Famous Hot Dogs has been Wake Forest staple for over 100 years. Shorty's is a family owned business since 1916.
“It sits in the center of the campus. Its spire is visible on clear days from NC 98 at Stony Hill Road...Named after Dr. Olin Binkley who became the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1963. He and his wife, Pauline, were important leaders in Wake Forest and were involved in the rescue of the Calvin Jones House and the formation of the Wake Forest College Birthplace Society.” -, 3/16/19
“The two-story Greek-Revival house is the town’s oldest dwelling and features a hall-parlor plan with much of its original woodwork, a two-story porch, and exterior chimneys with freestanding stacks. The house is furnished to reflect the period of its various residents, including pieces originally belonging to the school’s first president, Samuel Wait.” -